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AI Tinkerers Seattle - March Meetup

Joe Heitzeberg - AI Tinkerers - Seattle
March 01, 2023

Join us for the March AI Tinkerers meetup in Seattle, an event designed to foster connections among people actively building with foundation models. We’ll be hosting a networking and lightning talk format, giving everyone in attendance the opportunity to connect with one another and discuss their work. Whether you’re a technical or ML expert, or an entrepreneur, this event is for everyone interested in learning more about LLM-enabled applications. We look forward to seeing you there!

Special thanks to Marius from TechStars for their generous support of this event, both the space and for the appetizers and drinks to be served.


  • Open AI (Glory Jain)
  • Fixie (Matt Welsh)
  • Standd (Julie Saltman)
  • Charmed (Jeremy Tryba)

And more!



We will showcase a handful of short demos or lightening talks from the community starting at around 7pm. If you have something you’d like to present (5 min demo or short talk) please email [email protected] with a brief description of your demo or presentation by March 12th.

Hope to see you there!


p.s. as a reminder, the Discord link for AI Tinkerers (with meetups happening in multiple cities) is here: - please invite folks you know who are actively building with LLM models!


Startup Hall is easy to access on public transportation - it is about 4 blocks from the new U-District light rail station. The following bus routes stop within a block or two of Startup Hall: Route 30, 31, 49, 70.

Parking is possible, especially if you show up early. Also:

  • The Central Plaza Garage, on 15th Ave NE at NE Campus Parkway is the closest UW garage to Startup Hall. A daily parking fee is required.
  • There is also street parking (paid and/or time-limited) in the areas around the building.


Contact AI Tinkerers - Seattle

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